Individual sessions
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Focus dream'self' ​
Who are you?
What do you want?
How do you see your dream self? Who or what does your dream self interact with?
Is there still a gap between your reality and that of your dream self? Or does it overlap completely?
What now?
First of all, we will map out your dream image and see what is not aligned with your reality in various aspects of your life, e.g. field of being, work, relating, family, activities/passions, residence,... I help you identifying the gap, the aspects that are keeping you from experiencing your true self/dream self. These can be limiting thoughts/ideas, fears or other feelings. After that, the alignment process takes place. Depending on your capacity, challenges or trauma, other techniques are implemented.
- dedication to yourself and willingness to look at yourself
- being open to your own bloom and beauty
- wanting to change, grow and evolve
- wanting to interact and play with reality
What do I use?
My own unique life trajectory, years of experience and permanent and unconditional investment in myself.
My own trauma healing and unique awakening process.
My embodiment with its extra sensory gifts, including clear knowing, hearing and feeling.
My experience & training with process work through trauma healing, constellation work, energetic body work, meditation, circle work, psychodrama and 5Rhythms.
My daily practice with authentic communication and connecting (e.g. through circling and HeartIQ).
My experience with organic healing, reading and meeting life as it presents itself.
My devotion to the highest good for you and me.​
Why do I do what I do?
Because it's part of my mission and makeup.
Because it's part of my dream to create a new world. Seeing the other shine and so does the world as a whole, living as a collective according to our nature, VALUEs, in beauty and harmony. Seeing people being authentic and connecting in this way. This is only possible with each one of us, with honor and grace I am contributing my diamond to it ;).
'The more aware one is of oneself, the more fluid and refined one's evolution becomes'
- at your home or in a chosen safe environment, in Belgium or another place, including reimbursement of expenses.
- online on ZOOM .
Online sessions
You are an observer and actor of your life. I guide along the sidelines.
Instructions online sessions: You can already install ZOOM on your mobile device via this link. Before starting the session you will receive a personal link that gives access to the video call. If you wish, I will also record the session for you.
Sessions in real life
Your daily life is key. I work with what presents itself organically in your reality. This is also the most powerful healing tool. You work with what is in the moment and that can easily be transformed. I observe your functioning in interaction with life. I bring my observations and the healing process starts then.
Number of sessions:
In accordance with you and your process.
If you have any questions or if you want to book a coaching trajectory, you can contact me through the form
Session 1-1.5 h.: € 140 - 155
Session 2-3 h.: €175 - 333
By mutual agreement + payment plan possible.
If you are unable to attend the appointment, please let me know not later than 24 hrs. before the start of the session.
If you do not notify within 24 hrs. I will charge the appointment.